John Muir, the “father of national parks”, honoured with statue in Dunbar
A 16ft (5m) tall steel sculpture of a bear has been unveiled in Dunbar, to honour Scots conservationist John Muir. Muir was born in Dunbar in East Lothian in 1838 and as a child became fascinated with the coastline and landscape of this corner of...
My resolution this year is to read more, and one of the books that’s been on my list for a long time is The Living Mountain. What a wee gem of a book this is! Written in the 1940s and only about 100 pages long, this is Nan Shepherd’s breathtakingly See More
The Isle of Barra in the Outer Hebrides looking so peaceful and picturesque in the winter sun today! There are various suggestions as to where the island’s name came from, but one suggestion is from Old Norse meaning ‘bare island’. Kisimul Castle, which sits on a small rocky outcrop in See More