Blue Badge for Scottish Highland Trails
Our very own Jill McKean, as well as being chief cook and bottle washer at Scottish Highland Trails, has recently embarked on an 18 month course to become a professionally accredited tourist guide for Scotland. This will involve studying everything and anything about Scotland, from...
The Isle of Barra in the Outer Hebrides looking so peaceful and picturesque in the winter sun today! There are various suggestions as to where the island’s name came from, but one suggestion is from Old Norse meaning ‘bare island’. Kisimul Castle, which sits on a small rocky outcrop in See More
Gorgeous light today. View to the hills over Peebles in the Scottish Borders with the town cemetery and St Andrew’s Tower. The tower is all that remains of St Andrew’s Church, consecrated in 1195 and built on the site of a series of earlier churches likely dating back to the See More