Ireland’s capital city, Dublin is a vibrant, exciting place to spend some time in,and is a must-see on any Ireland tour. There is lots to see and do, as well as great restaurants, shopping and plenty of pubs to visit! In the evenings make your...
Something Different?
Looking to stay somewhere a wee bit different in Scotland or Ireland? Scottish Highland Trails can recommend great places to stay which are a little out of the ordinary!
Guest House/B&B
Guest houses and B&Bs are dotted all over Scotland – you can stay in B&B everywhere from the heart of Edinburgh to a remote, deserted corner of the Outer Hebrides. B&Bs are great places to stay, where you ensured of a warm welcome and are...
Derry-Londonderry City of Culture 2013
Derry/Londonderry in Northern Ireland has been designated City of Culture 2013, so we thought it was time we took another look at this great city!
Happy Valentine's Day! Or Lâ nam pòg sona dhut if you prefer the Gaelic version, which literally means "happy kissing day " 🩷🩷🩷 Here's some fantastic images of the Isle of Harris in the Outer Hebrides to fall in love with 💕 Only about 4°C at the moment but still, See More