Tailor Made Whisky Tours
“Always carry a large flagon of whisky in case of snakebite and furthermore, always carry a small snake” WC Fields Uisge beatha, the “water of life”, has been distilled in Scotland for many hundreds of years and “Scotch” is now exported around the world....
The Isle of Harris
Harris is actually part of Lewis and Harris, the largest island in the Outer Hebrides which lies 24 miles off the north west coast of Scotland. Lewis and Harris are frequently referred to as two separate islands, but they are in fact all part of...
The Orkney Islands lie off the northern coast of Scotland and are easily reached either by air or by ferry. There are over 70 islands making up Orkney, and around 20 of those are inhabited. The islands have been inhabited since early times, and today...
Happy Valentine's Day! Or Lâ nam pòg sona dhut if you prefer the Gaelic version, which literally means "happy kissing day " 🩷🩷🩷 Here's some fantastic images of the Isle of Harris in the Outer Hebrides to fall in love with 💕 Only about 4°C at the moment but still, See More