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Scottish Highland Trails Latest News

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Melrose Abbey 

Melrose Abbey in the Scottish Borders.   Founded in 1136, this Cistercian Abbey was repeatedly attacked by English forces during the Middle Ages. The ruins we see today date mainly from the late 14th century when the Abbey had to be rebuilt following a devastating attack...
Accredited Scottish Highland Tour Guide
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Blue Badge for Highland Trails! 

Great news just in!  Jill McKean, of Scottish Highland Trails, has passed her exams with flying colours and, as well as being awarded a Certificate in Scottish Studies, is now a fully accredited “Blue Badge” tourist guide and member of the Scottish Tourist Guides Association...
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It’s National Poetry Day 

It’s National Poetry Day!  Mention Scottish poets and everyone automatically thinks of Robert Burns, the 18th century “ploughman poet” from rural Ayrshire who wrote so many well loved poems and songs, including of course Tam o’Shanter and Auld Lang Syne.  But there has been a...
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Edinburgh’s New Year celebrations 

Great news for locals and visitors alike – for the first time in 16 years Edinburgh’s Hogmanay celebrations will officially include the Royal Mile!  Two stages are to be set up close to St Giles Cathedral to host the “Old Town Ceilidh”- these events will...
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Holyrood Palace, Edinburgh 

Gorgeous blue skies in Edinburgh this week!  The 16th century tower of Holyrood Palace (on the left of the photo) was built by King James V in the 16th century; the rest of the palace was mainly constructed in the late 1600s by King Charles...
The Blue Badge - Jill wants one of these!
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Blue Badge for Scottish Highland Trails 

Our very own Jill McKean, as well as being chief cook and bottle washer at Scottish Highland Trails, has recently embarked on an 18 month course to become a professionally accredited tourist guide for Scotland.  This will involve studying everything and anything about Scotland, from...
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Fort George to host Military Tattoo 

Fort George near Inverness is to host a military tattoo from 5-7 September 2014, as part of the Year of Homecoming 2014 celebrations.  The event will be the biggest of its kind after the Edinburgh Royal Military Tattoo which is held each year in August...
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